Solid Waste
Environmental Indicators
Solid waste is the trash that goes to the landfill. Part of what is thrown away is organic waste, such as paper products, food waste, and yard trimmings. These materials cause methane emissions when they break down in the landfill. These emissions represent about 2% of the community’s emissions and are best reduced by reuse, recycling, and composting – important actions that will help the City reach its Climate Action and Road to Zero Waste goals.
Solid Waste Emissions
Solid Waste Measures
The following measures are categorized as direct or indirect. Direct measures track data used to calculate carbon emissions. Indirect measures show community trends that may impact carbon emissions but are not directly tied to carbon calculations. Some measures are not evaluated against a target and are simply informational. This is indicated when the status bar is gray instead of green, yellow, or red.
Actual |
Target |
Results |
149,156 | 2022 |
5.38 | 3.50 | 2021 |
24.00% | 77.04% | 2022 |
8,192 | N/A | 2022 |